Key Findings from Solar Heat Worldwide 2023

Leading the Way – Countries Driving Market Growth

Lebanon experienced a phenomenal 145% growth last year, driven by people switching to solar water heaters to save money as electricity and fuel prices rose and their currency depreciated.  Europe, Italy, Greece, and Poland recorded positive market developments for the second year.

Large-scale Solar Thermal Plants on the Rise

Demand for large-scale solar thermal plants predicted to grow in 2023, adding to the 571 plants (2.2 GWth capacity) operating today.

Decarbonizing the heat sector in neighborhoods and cities

325 solar district heating systems generate 1.8 GWth at costs between 20-50 €/MWh

Large and Small Solar Hot Water Systems Continue to Dominate the Market

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Solar Heat Worldwide 

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Solar Heat Worldwide is published annually. Since 2005, countries, now 71, have provided data to create the most comprehensive assessment of solar heating and cooling markets worldwide.

Our flagship report stands out for its detailed analysis of solar thermal technologies and serves as a reference source among international organizations, including the IEA, REN21, and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).